Who are we?
The Réseau muséal de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue (RMAT) is an organization that aims to unite the strengths of the region’s museum institutions in order to increase their expertise in the field of museology.
About the Museum Network
Our Mission:
- Promoting the sharing of expertise
- Boosting the network through concerted actions and events
- Creating a Representational Force
- Disseminate and promote the regional museum product
Our Accomplishments:
- Over the past few years, the RMAT has made a diagnosis of the collections in Abitibi-Témiscamingue and has implemented a common collection management software, a unique initiative in Quebec! The RMAT has also set up a museum intervention squad project, which has made it possible to find team solutions to the challenges of more than fifteen museums in the region. More recently, the RMAT has awarded the vast majority of its members a label, the «Muséo-Famille» label, which is a seal of quality that indicates that the institutions offer an excellent welcome to families. The infrastructures and the animations in the museums are now more adapted to receive young and old.
Our current projects:
- Appropriation numérique en vue de la diffusion des collections muséales de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue:This project aims to bring the collections of the Abitibi-Témiscamingue museums online on the Omeka S software. Samples of the collections will be accessible to the general public and the software will become an effective working tool for collections management.
- Creation of family eventsin museums in Abitibi-Témiscamingue: This project aims to create events for families in museums in the region. Families will be able to make visits while having fun!
- Optimizing the discoverability of Abitibi-Témiscamingue’s museums:The continued development of the Muséo-Famille application is at the heart of this project. Families will have even more fun using it while discovering the museums and exhibition centers of the region. Efforts will be concentrated on making these institutions known to the public through the writing of Wikipedia pages and a major advertising campaign.
The team

The board of directors